Auxiliary Unit 419
Membership Renewals and NEW Members
Monthly Meetings are usually held on the second Wednesday of the month from 7-8 p.m. with fellowship at 6:30 p.m. Meeting Details are below. Please Contact Us if you have questions.
Sick Call. Please notify our Chaplain (Linda McHaffie 408 247 4746) if an Auxiliary member, or wife of a Legion member, is hospitalized or deceased.
Meetings. The meeting is held in person at the American Legion Post 419 (Hall), located at 958 Homestead Road, cross-street Lafayette, in Santa Clara, California. We recite the Preamble at every meeting to pledge service and inspire eachother. Bookmark this page on your smart phone and click on the preamble image left or the link above during the meeting to follow along!
- Pay by check or money order payable to ALA 419 and mail/drop off at the American Legion, 958 Homestead Road, Santa Clara, 95050. The glass front doors to the lobby mail slot (left wall) are open 24 hours 7 days a week.
- Pay online at
- Pay by phone through National (317) 569-4570 Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm EST and speak to a real person.
Online Application
Please complete this ONLINE membership application (fillable pdf) (OR print out after completing). Be sure to indicate whether the Veteran is living or deceased and check the boxes for your relationship to the Veteran. If you fill it out online and sign, Adobe will ask you for your email so you can verify that you are signing the form. Check your inbox to confirm it is you, and then the form will automatically route to our staff to complete the rest of the process. The online form will automatically route to us for review and we will contact you in 10 days and invite you to a membership meeting. We have a formality of having you come to a meeting so we can meet you and vote you in as a member. Meetings are held on the first Wednesday from 7 - 8 p.m., social time at 6:30 p.m.
Paper Application: If you decide to fill it out and then print, please return it to the Auxiliary with $35 dues for "Seniors" (adults) or $5 for "Juniors" (checks preferred), and depending on your situation, the documentation required in 1) OR 2) above.
Membership in the American Legion Auxiliary is available to any person who is related (as specified below) to a Veteran of the U.S. Armed Forces who served honorably anytime between December 7, 1941 to the present day, and was honorably discharged, or is still serving honorably. Members also receive other benefits from our National organization. We welcome new ideas from new and old members!
To be eligible, you must be related to a Veteran in one of the following ways:
- The spouse/widow/widower of a Veteran (male or female)
- The daughter, granddaughter, sister, mother or grandmother of a Veteran (adopted descendents included)
- A female Veteran in her own right
Not Eligible: Great granddaughters, nieces or daughter-in-laws are NOT eligible for membership but are welcome as supporters and boosters in all activities, meetings and more. Men may join the Auxiliary only if their spouse is a veteran; but they may also join the Sons of Legion if they are the son or grandson of a veteran.
New Members Application Process - Auxiliary
To become an Auxiliary member, you will need to submit a membership application (ONLINE OR PAPER above), $35 dues for "Seniors" (adults 18+years) or $5 for "Juniors"(0-17years) (checks preferred), and one of the following documents about the Veteran. If the Veteran is living and does not belong to a Legion Post, they can join Post 419 or you can be eligible through a deceased Veteran and only need to provide discharge papers showing they served honorably. We do not keep discharge papers.
- If the Veteran is living, they must be a current member of any American Legion Post (provide copy of membership card); OR
- If the Veteran is deceased, we only need a copy of their discharge papers (e.g. DD214). If you don't have a copy of the DD214 or other documents proving service and honorable discharge, you can order one easily from the Veterans Administration records. If you need help, let us know.
Here is our contact information:
American Legion Auxiliary Unit 419
Attn: Membership Chair- Alyne Hazard
958 Homestead Road
Santa Clara, CA 95050-4955
Questions: Contact Membership Chair Alyne Hazard ( or Cindy Newman ( or 650 219 1041).
What We Do
Mission Statement
In the spirit of Service, Not Self, the mission of the American Legion Auxiliary is to support The American Legion and to honor the sacrifice of those who serve by enhancing the lives of our veterans, military, and their families, both at home and abroad. For God and Country, we advocate for veterans, educate our citizens, mentor youth, and promote patriotism, good citizenship, peace and security.
Santa Clara Unit 419
Although we have a small base of active volunteers, we are able to do the programs and activities described below every year. We are open to new ideas, new programs, and causes if a member would like to bring these ideas forward and help in any way. It can be a simple idea, short-lived, or big and bold, for our veterans, their families, or our community. Step forward with new ideas! Too busy with other causes? Let's collaborate and leverage our volunteer hours--making our efforts work twice.
Programs & Activities
We support our Post 419 by participating in their events as volunteers, and paying building rental for our events. We have a robust Girls State program where we select one high school junior girl from 6-7 high schools near us for a week long summer program to learn about democracy in a non-partisan teaching environment. We support veterans and their families with our gifts of toys and presents for their children, gift stockings to hospitalized veterans at the Palo Alto VA, carnival booths on President's Day and Fourth of July at the Menlo Park VA, carnival booth at the 129th Air Rescue Wing summer picnic, and numerous financial donations to Legion Family programs and our own Legion Post 419. For the community, we help cook and serve at the Legion's lunch and breakfast food service, provide toys and gifts to disabled children, and more. Our budget for all these activities is about $7,000 per year, which monies are raised by holding two dinner dances and accepting donations.
New Ideas Needed from New and Old Members
We are always looking for new ways to serve our veterans and community better, and welcome new ideas from new and old members! Although the Covid-19 Pandemic set back our fundraising abilities, we are always looking for creative ways to provide something of value to our veterans and the community. Hopefully, these efforts might be enjoyed by them and rewarded with a donation to our Auxiliary so we can continue serving. How can you help? Bring your ideas to our monthly meetings! Contact Us!
Member Benefits are listed at: but be sure to return to us to fill out the membership application (above).